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Patent Application Imagines The DS Helping With The Groceries

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Still trying to sell the DS to people who don't typically play games, Nintendo has plans for an application linking the DS with a supermarket's inventory so users can simplify their shopping list and find what they need more easily.

Sounds like nothing more than a weekly circular on the handheld but I could see it being useful if, say, you wanted to make a certain meal that evening, it could kick back a recipe with the items you need and - this has been a particular pet peeve of mine - direct you to precisely where they're located in the store. Because grocery stores never stock the aisles intuitively.


I foresee some screaming fits, though. Mom reads of this, hijacks little Jimmy's DS and instead of him playing games quietly while she fills up the cart he's whining to get his Pokémon back. Nintendo's solution to that, of course, would be to buy another DS.

Nintendo Hoping to Create In-Store Wireless Shopping Network [iSmashPhone via GamePolitics]