The DS has been a juggernaut in Japan, racking up amazing sales. But nothing lasts forever, not even strong platform sales. PaRappa The Rapper creator Masaya Matsuura is looking for a new option for platform development.
"I think many developers and publishers are just focusing on DS but everybody understands [DS' significance in the market] will not go for a long time from now, so everybody trying to find another solution," Matsuura told Edge Online. "But it's very hard to be successful on another platform."
Matsuura went on to say the platform he'd like to explore the most is the PS3, but worries that Sony might not be aggressive enough in the marketplace.
Later this year, Matsuura will be speaking at GameCity and DICE Asia. Maybe he'll be talking about this, maybe he won't. Who knows. Matsuura does, that's who.
Interview: Masaya Matsuura [Edge Online]