Fez will be patched, fixing a potential game-breaking bug, now that Microsoft is no longer charging studios for title updates. Fez creator Phil Fish tweeted the news on July 4, saying the patch would take "a couple of months."
Last year, Fez was updated once on Xbox Live to fix some glitches; it was a free update per Microsoft's policy at the time but the patch was removed when it created more problems. Another potentially fatal bug was spotted, but because it affected so few users, and because it would have cost "tens of thousands of dollars" to roll out a second title update, Fish said they'd be leaving the game as-is.
Last week, Microsoft confirmed that it stopped charging for title updates back in April, which came as a surprise to some, Fish included. He told Fez fans he'd inquire if the new policy also applied to his game, and apparently it does.
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