Battlefield 2042 isn’t having a great launch. Between bugs, a lack of content, and other problems, including the surprise release of Halo Infinite’s free multiplayer, Dice and EA’s big shooter is in the news for all the wrong reasons. And now, it seems more players on Steam want to go farming than shooting, as the recently released Farming Simulator 22 has more players than BF 2042.
Released on November 19, Battlefield 2042 currently has about 50k players online, with a peak of 52k in the last 24 hours. Meanwhile, Farming Simulator 22, released on November 22, sits at nearly 88k concurrent users and peaked in the last 24 hours at 94k.
Using SteamDB to compare the highest number of players each game has hit since their respective launches was interesting, as Farming Sim 22 and BF 2042 are basically tied, with Farming Sim hitting 105,636 players and BF racking up slightly less, 105,397 players.
Now, I already know some folks will be in the comments and tweet replies explaining that this is only for Steam and that if you count other platforms, like PS5 or Origin, than BF 2042 would (probably) be more popular than Farming Sim 22. But that’s not really the point here. Instead, one of the biggest games of the year on one of the most popular digital stores in the world on one of the biggest gaming platforms in the world, the PC, isn’t able to keep up with Farming Simulator 22.
It’s not shocking to see, as BF 2042 continues to frustrate and disappoint players with buggy gameplay, performance issues on console and PC, and a lack of content and features found in past games. It recently became one of the worst-reviewed games on Steam. In comparison, Farming Simulator 22 has an extremely high number of positive user reviews.
While EA and Dice seem committed to improving 2042 with future updates, it seems like it needed some more time in the oven before releasing this year. But hey, while you wait for BF 2042 to improve, at least you can go grow some corn and chill in Farming Simulator 22.