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Oh Look, Microsoft Is Accidentally Mentioning A Next-Gen Console They Haven't Actually Announced, Again

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Image for article titled Oh Look, Microsoft Is Accidentally Mentioning A Next-Gen Console They Haven't Actually Announced, Again
Image: Microsoft

To date, Microsoft has announced a single next-gen console: the Xbox Series X. Thing is, we all basically know that there’s a second console coming, one that is yet to be announced, despite the fact there are more and more products out there that specifically mention it. Products made by Microsoft!


That console is the Xbox Series S, believed to be the console previously codenamed “Lockhart,” which we reported on last year. This console is designed to be a cheaper, digital-only version of the Series X.


Last month we saw a controller that mentioned the Series S on the box, and this week it’s a Game Pass trial code card, included in the box for an Xbox One controller.


It’s pretty hard to see in the tweet, so let’s enhance:

Image for article titled Oh Look, Microsoft Is Accidentally Mentioning A Next-Gen Console They Haven't Actually Announced, Again
Screenshot: Enhance

Pull in on “100 high-quality games”, stop.

Image for article titled Oh Look, Microsoft Is Accidentally Mentioning A Next-Gen Console They Haven't Actually Announced, Again
Screenshot: @BraviaryBrendan

Huh. Making things even more absurd, the person posting the pic says they “bought this controller directly from Microsoft online”.

Guys, it’s September. Announce it already.