There are so, so many sports in the world that it seems a pity so few are properly realised in video games. We get football, another country's version of football, basketball, baseball, ice hockey, and that's about it if you don't count console mascots facing off every Olympics in a shameless cash-in.
Which I don't.
So credit to the team behind Power Jam: Roller Derby, a game that wants to do justice to one of the fastest-growing sports in the world. Currently trying to Kickstart its way into existence, PJ:RD is hoping to include everything you'd expect from a modern sports game, like a career mode, character customisation, management options and even the responsibility of running a fledgling Roller Derby League.
What's most interesting about the game and its chances of success, though, is the fact it's based on a sport that's really only for female athletes, pitching it outside the traditional market for traditional sports games. I also have no idea how important it is that it's not licensed by the Women's Flat Track Derby Association, the sport's version of FIFA/the NFL.
Hopefully neither of those things mean a damn thing, though, because this looks pretty cool. The world needs a bit more variety in its sports games, and it doesn't get much more different from your standard big American/European pro leagues than this.
Power Jam: Roller Derby [Kickstarter]