You'll never see me publishing pictures of a wall-sized game collection. I'm a gamer - maybe the only one? - who likes to keep his collection small.
So small… that it fits on a single shelf.
For my sanity, my sense of interior design and for the sake of domestic bliss I have tried to keep my entire collection (minus N64) on a single shelf. And the real main reason I do this: because I think that confining my games to a small space will force me to repeatedly thin my crop so that I wind up with only the cream.
I've blogged about my shelf a couple of times before. I wanted to give you folks an updated look. The games on the shelf have changed since August, when I last took a picture of it.
Bigger shelf pics after the jump
My shelf in August 2007 (Bigger pic here)
My shelf in June 2008
Note that the back row and the DS and PSP parts in the wings are all games I consider keepers because of their quality or historical importance. The games in the front row I'm either playing through, need to get to, or aren't ones I think will last the next thinning. And the games on the shelf above were bound for giveaway
(Here's my August post from when I last looked at my gaming shelf.)