MTV's documentary series "True Life" is looking for you, if you're addicted to playing video games to the point that that it's ruining your life. The decade-old reality show is seeking hardcore addicts for "True Life: I'm Addicted To Videogames."
The reality show is seeking gamers with an unhealthy attitude toward the hobby, giving you a national basic cable venue through which to vent your spleen and have your psychological addictions empathized with and/or roundly mocked by MTV viewers. MTV producers are looking for people with personal relationship problems or anyone considering going to rehab to kick their gaming habits.
The full description should give you a better idea of what the producers are looking for—a complete and total wreck of a person.
Have video games totally taken over your life? Is your game play increasingly getting out of control? Have your friends or family confronted you about your gaming habit? How about your marriage or personal relationships – are they being affected? Is it difficult to balance work and gaming time? Do you sometimes skip doing homework or household responsibilities to play? Have you played video games as a way of escaping your problems? Has your game playing habit become so encompassing that you may need to go to rehab to kick it? If you can identify with any of the above, MTV wants to hear from you.
True Life's show topics cover everything from "I'm Obese" to "I Hate My Tattoos" to "I'm a Mixed Martial Arts Fighter." The show has previously covered gaming with the episode "I'm A Professional Gamer."
MTV True Life Wants to Know - Are you Addicted to Gaming? Casting Call [via Siliconera]