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Modder Transforms Super Mario 64 Into Super Mario Bros.

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The brain behind a number of Super Mario 64 mods has done it again by recreating lots of Super Mario Bros. levels inside of Super Mario 64.

Modder Kaze Emanuar has taken the 2D level design of that older game and crammed it into the engine of Super Mario 64. Judging from the video that announced the mod, this allows the player to do all the leaping, hopping, and air flipping that a modern Mario can do while still enjoying the “classic” feel of the levels.

The mod also contains four playable characters: Mario, Luigi, Wario, and Waluigi. They all play a little differently, so if you want to mix up your experience of these classic recreations, you’ve got the ability to do so.

You can grab the download for the mod in the description of the video. It’s also worth noting that the creator, in a comment below the video, says that playing the game as Wario makes it feel “unfair.”


And, you know, it’s nice that the modding community remembers Waluigi. It’s something I can’t say of more, ahem, official source.