A brand new Lupin anime is airing in Japan. Dubbed Lupin the Third: A Woman Called Fujiko Mine, It's centered on Lupin heroine Fujiko.
The show is the first televised Lupin anime series in 27 years—and the first to feature a female director. If the teaser poster, which featured a topless Fujiko, didn't clue you into show's sexy angle, the first episode should.
Check out the above gallery for a look at the first episode. There might be spoilers. And while this anime is appearing on (late night) Japanese network TV, there is NSFW imagery. You have been warned!
And, if you like, you can watch the whole episode online.
LUPIN the Third ~峰不二子という女~ 1話感想まとめ [オタク.com]
(Top photo: NTV)