Nana Mizuki, who voices Costa Rican girl Paz Ortega Andrade in the upcoming Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, has become the first Japanese voice actress to reach number one on the Japanese pop single charts.
Her latest single "Phantom Minds" moved 54,000 copies last week during its first week on sale. This is the first time since Japan's Oricon billboard chart began recording sales in 1968 that a voice actress has had a number one pop single. (This factoid does not include singers who have done voice work, however.)
Besides working as a voice actress in both gaming and anime since 1998, Mizuki has found success in music. Mizuki's single "Eternal Blaze" reached number 2 on the Oricon in 2005. Mizuki also has the distinction of being the first voice actresses to reach number on of the Japanese pop album charts in 2009 with her album Ultimate Diamond.
An increasing number of voice actresses have successfully released pop singles in Japan in recent years — though, none have yet surpassed Mizuki's success.
Besides her role in the upcoming Peace Walker, the voice actress has also lent her talents to games ranging from Shining Wind to Tales of Symphonia as well as anime such as Naruto and Fullmetal Alchemist.
紅白初出場の水樹奈々、デビュー10年目で声優史上初のシングル首位「感謝の気持ちでいっぱい」 [Oricon via ANN via Anime Nation] [Pic]