To: Crecente
From: Bash
RE: D.I.C.E. Kicks Off Tomorrow
Not sure if you're big on this, but this afternoon, I baked bread. I'd never baked bread before. Actually, it was kinda fun! We baked it in the rice cooking (it's possible to bake bread in our rice cooker). Turned out yummy.
And for dinner, the fam and I made actual soup broth for udon. Usually, you'd buy it at the supermarket for like 50 cents or whatever, but tonight we tried making it ourselves. Added some ginger for flavor and corn starch to thicken the broth. (A thicker broth means it stays warmer longer, apparently!) Likewise, it turned out pretty darn good! We didn't make the actual udon noodles though. That seems rather hard from what I gather.
I know you cook — but do you make everything from scratch?
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