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@Limality about our new reviews: We're still getting used to the water. ;)

I'll be writing something up next week about the system, why we changed to it and what it means.

But a couple of quick things, Warofart was dead on when he said we weren't fans of people just counting the red and blue to determine if the game was good, it sort of ran against the premise.

We also noticed some serious bloat in the loved, hated review style. Just because it took us a long time to play through a game doesn't mean it should take you a long time to read through our thoughts. Our reviews under that style were nearing 2,000 words. Under this style it's closer to 600 words.

Untipocomun, you raise a very fair and interesting point. But I think the relative lack of criticism you're noticing is more a byproduct of the games and our familiarity with this new style than it is the format.

At least I hope so.

Hold until we've run our reviews of games like Enslaved, Dead Rising 2 and Castlevania to see how those look.

I'm writing up Dead Rising 2 and I don't think this new format will become a hindrance for me. In fact I'm still taking the same notes I've always taken while reviewing the game, only the output is changing.

Another interesting thing is that we plan to roll out "criticisms" this month as well. These are revisits of games that spurred in us the desire to discuss on a deeper level some interesting point. They will be long-form criticisms similar to what you might find in a newspaper or magazine.

So I see this as win, win, but I also get your attachment to the review system you all knew and loved, because we loved it too.

But in many ways that system was a fantastic transition system that eased people into the concept that reviews don't have to have numbers or be eight pages long to be informative.

Again, a bit more patience and I'll be walking everyone through why we changed, how we changed and how it will work next week.

Thanks everyone for the feedback, we really appreciate it.
