Every Pokemon is interesting and worth talking about. I don’t play a ton of Pokemon, but I do enjoy the universe and I love learning more about the creatures in it. So, Here’s Another Pokemon! It’s Lampent!
Lampent Details
Type: Ghost/Fire
Average Height: 2‘00“
Average Weight: 28.7 lbs.
First Added In Generation V
Do you remember that Nickelback video for the song Savin’ Me? Don’t worry, I barely remembered it either but I did a Google search for “Music video with numbers of people’s heads” and found it. In the video we see a dude running around a city and above people’s heads are numbers counting down the seconds they have to live. Once it hits zero, they die. That’s what, I think, Lampent sees.
According to Pokedex entries, Lampent can sense when people are about to die. It then shows up and steals the person’s spirit. That seems a bit dark. What does it use these stolen spirits for? Well, to feed its own flame, of course.

As is often with these Pokemon posts, I have questions about a lot of this, but I doubt there are any answers. I do wonder, however, are ghost Pokemon not actually Pokemon but just ghosts? Has this been explored in the games or anime at all? Like, do ghosts just exist in this universe but people mistake them for Pokemon?
According to Bulbapedia, Lampents will sometimes work with a Litwick to help lead people to the Ghost World. It steals life energy while it does this, so it is a fully charitable act. Actually, lead people to a place called Ghost World doesn’t exactly sound like a good thing. Lampent kind of sucks, folks.
Favorite Fan Art

Yeah, Lampent. What the hell? Quit hanging around hospitals and clinics, you sick jerk. Imagine sitting in a room with your sick grandma and suddenly a Lampent flys slowly into the room and chills near you all. Not a great moment.
Random Facts
- Lampents actually do hang around hospitals and creep around cities. As you might expect, people fear them.
- Lampents represent October in the Unova horoscope system.
- Hey, I’m sorry I compared Lampent to a Nickelback video. That wasn’t cool. I would certainly not leave any comments about it.
Best Comment From Last Week
It’s okay, Spoink. Like all of us in life, you just have to find the right partner that bounces at your rhythm.
Then you will get all the hugs.
-Chuck Burly
As young Lil Bow Wow once said, you just need to bounce with me, bounce with me, grab a partner and hit the floor. Wise words.