There are many, many, MANY fighters and characters who have appeared throughout the Tekken franchise. Some of them are really strange. Others are cool. Some are boring and nobody cares about them. And then there’s Kuma the bear, the best of them all.
Yes, Kuma is a bear who also stands upright and fights in martial arts tournaments. It’s odd, but it’s far from the weirdest thing in the Tekken franchise.
The thing is, if you think about it, a bear is probably the deadliest character you could face in a one-on-one fight. I don’t care how good you kick and punch, if a bear grabs you and starts chomping on your face and neck, you’re dead.
The real reason Kuma is the best character is his ending videos. Since his first appearance in Tekken, his endings have often featured him hanging out or feuding with Heihachi Mishima, one of the main bad guys in the franchise.
Sometimes he’s signing paperwork with pawprints (and trolling Mishima.)
Sometimes he’s in outer space!
And sometimes he’s just dancing and having a good time. Who wouldn’t want to dance and party with a big, brown bear?
I should point out now because if I don’t someone else will, that there are TWO Kumas. After the events of Tekken 2, but before Tekken 3, the first Kuma died. His son would grow up and become a fighter just like his dad, but he also developed a hatred towards Paul, another Tekken fighter. Like many things in Tekken, it’s a whole thing involving multiple games and characters.
We aren’t here to talk about Tekken lore, or at least I wasn’t planning on it. Instead, let’s watch more Kuma ending videos. Luckily for us, someone has put them all together. Bless them.
I hope years from now, when Tekken 10 is released, that Kuma will still be a part of the series. He’s been there since day 1 and I can’t imagine Tekken without my bear hugs and silly endings.
Also, Panda is great too and you should watch all the Panda endings next.