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Kotaku's Top 5 List of Top 10 Lists

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Each week throws off several new video game lists ranging from the humorous to the trivial. What's better? A list of those. Here's a roundup of the rundowns out there.

The 102 Worst Video Games Ever [UGO] If you think adapted movie games now suck, remember Hudson Hawk and, worse, Platoon on the NES. I'm surprised The Hunt for Red October isn't on here. No. 54 is there just to see if you're paying attention. Or is it?

The Top 10 Video Game Swords [ResumePlay] The Buster Sword from Final Fantasy VII is No. 3. Lightsabers are No. 5. The Blades of Chaos are No. 4. Naturally, nothing tops the Master Sword from The Legend of Zelda.


Five Funniest College Humor Video Game Parodies [The Kartel] We've featured these shorts lots on Kotaku; here's five of them in one place for you to enjoy. Tetris God is No. 1.


The 13 Sexiest Video Game Commercials of All Time [Ranker] I know Nintendo denied it, but the Wii Fit Girl video was basically a viral ad for that game, so it should be here, too.


55 Konami Code Enabled Websites [ChicagoNow] Just 55? That's still more than enough to retire this cliché of an Easter egg.