A screwed up listing by Best Buy earlier this week promised Madden fans that the PS Vita version of the game would deliver "slow-motion chain kills," pickpocketing and canoe-based pursuit. EA Sports had a little fun with the concept, pretending to motion-capture some boat rowing for next year's game.
Still, it was a rather safe way to poke fun at the mistake, so we're going to take it a step further with this week's 'Shop Contest. Here are four large-size screenshots from Assassin's Creed III, some of them illustrating the kinds of actions the Madden Vita listing was talking about.
Using these plus anything else you can find, mash up Assassin's Creed with anything else. You're not limited to depicting American football or Madden, though the differences between both video games would seem to make that a funny option to pursue.
Remember, you have to post submissions in the new forum for the Kotaku 'Shop Contest. I know it's not as fun as seeing everyone's creations underneath this post, but this way automatically displays them in chronological order, which everyone seems to prefer.
Because of this, comments are disabled in this post to avoid confusion. You must visit the 'Shop Contest Forum to participate or to see this week's subissions. After you create your 'Shop, you'll need to post it there. Here are the rest of the guidelines for doing so.
1. Go to the 'Shop Contest Forum
2. Click "Add Image" in the upper right above the comment window.
3. Click "Upload an Image Instead." Then click the "Choose File" button. Browse your desktop, find the image, and click "open."
4. If you prefer, you can upload the 'Shop to a free image hosting service. I suggest imgur. Then click "Add image" in the upper right above the comment window. Paste the image URL into the field that says "Image URL."
5. You can add editorial commentary if you want, but then just hit submit and your image will load. If it doesn't, paste the image URL as a comment.
6. This is important: Keep your image size under 1 MB. If you're still having trouble uploading the image, try to keep its longest dimension (horizontal or vertical) under 1000 pixels.
All set? Great. Now, Gentlemen, start your 'shopping!