There has been concern that the Microsoft's motion controller Kinect could require a significant amount of space — more space than the average Japanese living room has. Microsoft, however, has refuted these claims.
"We know that living rooms come in all shapes and sizes," Microsoft told Kotaku back in March, "and have conducted numerous play tests to ensure everyone will be able to jump off the couch and into the fun."
Still, all the "lifestyle" promotional photos Microsoft has shown of Kinect (or when it was code-named Project Natal) depict enormous American living rooms. At a Microsoft press event today in Tokyo, the company gave a peak at the lifestyle promotional photos for Kinect.
They look like the American ones! But with a smaller living room. Those are the breaks when you live in Japan.
Here is Xbox Japan Takashi Sensui showing off Kinect. Those are the breaks when you're the head of Xbox Japan.
As previously posted, Microsoft also stated at today's event that the name of the company will change its name to "Microsoft Japan Co., Ltd." next February.
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