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I've Gone And Injected Wub Into All This Beautiful Video Game Music. Sorry.

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Usually, around this time each week, I throw a video playlist together for the Kotaku Mix Tape, but this week I was a little distracted by The Wub Machine.

The Wub Machine is an online app that will automatically generate a Dubstep, Electro or Drum & Bass remix for any MP3 that you throw into it. And while it isn't particularly new, I'm still fascinated by what its little robot brain comes up with when I throw in arguably inappropriate songs, like Yakety Sax or the theme from Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence.


So of course I did the logical thing and put some of my favorite video game music through the ringer. I just had to know what Mr. Saturn's theme sounded with a little wub, what Austin Wintory's Journey score would sound like with an Electro beat, I didn't care who I hurt in the process. Is this even Dubstep any more? I'm sure a lot of you will say it isn't. Oh well.



Dear god, what have I done?


The Kotaku Mixtape Vol 8: Metal

If the goal of your game is to make your player feel like a badass, you can't really go wrong with good old-fashioned metal. Nothing beats it. Don't get me wrong, you can still screw it up, but If I had my way, there'd be far fewer sweeping orchestras and more Slayer in games. More »


The Kotaku Mixtape Vol 7: The Golden Age of Lucasarts

There was a time, years ago, when LucasArts could do no wrong. They were unstoppable. Every time I got their catalogue, The Adventurer, in the mail I would instantly pour over every page and start saving my allowance. More »
