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Intern No More

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To: Ash
From: Crecente
Re: Let's Cook With Manga!

So Adam Barenblat became a man today... we hired him. As of Aug. 1 he will be our associate editor of video and other shit. (Title is a work in progress) Since I only have another week with him as an intern I had to ramp up the abuse. Today I made him drive down from Boulder to pick me up and take me to a restaurant, so I could eat. To be fair I did treat him to a meal too, and I hired him. In retrospect I should have made him bring me a sammich.

While we're not currently looking for an intern (and hiring an intern is something we almost never do), I am officially on the hunt for a freelancer in San Francisco to help us cover the many events taking place out there. That's right I want to pay someone to go play games that haven't been released yet and then write about them.


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