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Inmate Sues Warcraft For Eleventeen Zillion Gold

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So by now we should all be up to speed on Jonathan Lee Riches, the South Carolina inmate who kills time by filing lawsuits against the likes of Barry Bonds, Michael Vick, and anyone else who happens to be in the news. For a time, shitheads mainstream media treated the claims seriously, but now we all have to realize he's just having fun, and showing zero respect for a judicial system that put him in the clink. His latest salvo is novel, however, in that it's a freaking third-party motion in the courtroom pugilistics involving Blizzard and MDY Industries. Riches' motion, no doubt handwritten on notebook paper, claims World of Warcraft turned his mind "into a living video game" that forced him to live "in a virtual universe, where [I] explored the landscape committing identity theft and fighting cybermonster rival hacker gangs." Taking the claim at face value, the problem is not that Warcraft ate Riches' brain; it's the idea that Warcraft is being played by inmates. I smell a powerlevelling prison labor scandal! Prison Inmate Sues Blizzard Over WoW Addiction [1Up]