Japanese illustrator and designer Akiman is famous for his Street Fighter II and Final Fight character work. Now that he's freelance, his designs pop up in all sorts of places.
But for a price, it seems! Take the new downloadable content for idol simulator THE iDOLM@STER SP for the PSP. While Namco Bandai isn't exactly known for its restraint in releasing copious amounts of iDOLM@STER DLC at bargain basement prices, the Akiman DLC is on the pricey side — that is, if you're planning on buying all of it.
All the Akiman iDOLM@STER gear will set players back a whopping ¥6,350 (US$65)! The game itself retails for around ¥6,000. Though, since Namco released three versions of this game, this is all par for the course.
「アイドルマスターSP」の"カタログ第4号"で『あきまん堂』とのコラボ衣装"ナイトメアブラッド"の配信が決定! [OEX]