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How Much Do Your Surroundings Matter?

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To: Crecente
From: Ashcraft
RE: Carpet Versus Dogs: FIGHT!

It's been a few weeks that we've been out of the city, and I can already notice some changes. For example, when we lived in the city, Mini-Bash did not like bugs.


He said he liked them, but usually would run away when he saw them. Mini-Bash liked playing outside, but there was nowhere to play outside at our old place. Like, it was our apartment building, then city street. Kids that lived there played, well, in the street or in parking lots.


Now, he can run around in grass fields, go hiking in the mountains, etc.

His old school has a playground, but it was just sand lot with some playground equipment. His new school has trees to climb, and the class takes field trips to a local farm to harvest vegetables.


In short: His contact with bugs is much higher. The kid now keeps talking about some bug he saw or some bug a kid at school captured. He's even started bringing bugs home.

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