So my friends and I have undertaken the inevitable mustache-growing contest. Right now I'm sporting about five days of completely, full-faced unshaven stubble. But I'm wondering if I should spend all this growth on a Hulk Hogan-style Fu Manchu.
That's the goal of this contest, which assuredly I will win. I just don't think the style is ridiculous enough. So I figure when the gang gets together at the end of next month I should throw a real wildcard. Hey, Owen's running the off-topic open thread, so it's the return of the poll! Alright, tell me what to do with my face.
Then feel free to start rabble-rousing or robble-robbling about whatever it is you talk about on Friday nights around here. We've got more Tokyo Game Show 2010 stuff coming up, too. And I'll see you guise in here tomorrow morning.