The creator of Metal Gear, Hideo Kojima, is joining forces with Square Enix, the company behind Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy.
Pictured is Metal Gear artists Yoji Shinkawa, Square Enix's Shinji Hashimoto (in the suit) and Hideo Kojima.
On the screen is the Front Mission Evolved logo. Oh. Yeah. Huh.
The mecha game will be released this September. Front Mission Evolved was already one of many, many Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker collaborations. So perhaps the title of this post should be "Hideo Kojima Collaborating with Square Enix Again".
What can we say, Hideo Kojima loves corporate tie-ins. Abercrombie t-shirts, too!
スクエニの橋本さんとの新コラボ〜 [twitpic]