The mecha wizards at Japan's Sakakibara Machinery Works are back. Previously, the factory rolled out the Landwalker, a large mecha you could buy. And now? It has a newly revamped mecha for little kids. How sweet.
As pointed out by sister site Gizmodo Japan, the Kid's Walker Cyclops has a claw to grab things and a drill to drill things.
This is an updated version of the kiddy mecha Sakakibara Machinery Works debuted a few years back. That version was priced at over US$20,000, so expect this to cost around the same. These pint-sized mecha are also available for rent—you know, if you don't have twenty grand to splurge on your kid's mecha.
Kid's Walker Cyclops [Sakakibara via GizMag via Gizmodo Japan]
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