Never ones to shy away from a chance to earn an extra buck or two, EA have announced they'll be releasing a "Premier Edition" of upcoming RTS Red Alert 3. Exclusive (at least in Europe) to GAME, the premium box will see the game packed in a metal tin, along with five exclusive MP/skirmish maps, a DVD with a making-of featurette (along with the sure-to-be-tasteful special "Women of Red Alert 3"), a soundtrack and, curiously, an "Exclusive Beta Key to a future C&C game!" Exclamation is theirs, not ours. The only C&C game we can think of on the horizon is Tiberium, but with that not due for a while, be sure to keep that beta key somewhere you won't forget about it.
Command and Conquer Red Alert 3: Premium Edition - GAME Exclusive! [GAME, thanks Ben!]
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