On Friday, Mike Young, the creative director for Madden NFL 13 revealed that the game would feature the notorious "Tebowing" posture, whose namesake drops to one knee in a solemn and evidently religious celebration. Operation Sports today published the first screenshot of what that would look like. In fact, they said it came on a fake punt play.
Monday, EA Sports released a video of the New York Giants receiver Victor Cruz doing his signature salsa-dance touchdown celebration. You can see that video below.
These two celebrations, combined with the fact Ray Lewis' burst-every-blood-vessel-in-my-body pregame dance was a feature of Madden 12, means three of the four celebrations parodied in that Eli Manning Saturday Night Live skit are confirmed for Madden 13. And EA Sports last week released a prototype of a fourth, a humorously lame celebration the skit's writers cooked up as the gag's ultimate punchline.
It makes me wonder, hell, maybe we will see Manning making an imaginary sandwich, dropping it on the floor, and then surreptitiously consuming it after a touchdown.
Madden NFL 13 Screenshot - Tim Tebow... Tebowing After Fake Punt [Operation Sports]