To: Ash
From: Crecente
I flew into London yesterday along with quite a large contingent of game writers to meet up with Bethesda folks and see what their 2009 schedule looks like. It will be the only opportunity, I'm told, until E3 that they will be showing what they have in store and giving us a chance to talk to some of the producers.
After a pretty rough flight in, I made my way to the passport control stations. The agent looking over my passport asked why I was in town. I told her that I was doing some research for some stories I plan to write. She asked what they were about. I said video games. Then she asked who paid for the trip. Bethesda, I said.
"Does that mean you're going to write positive things about them?"
"No, not at all," I told her. She seemed doubtful, but she took my word for it. Hopefully, our readers will trust me too.
I'll make sure to post up the news as soon as we're able. I'm told that they have some "exciting announcements" in store for us as well.
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