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Hades x Techwear

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Image for article titled Hades x Techwear
Illustration: Alfonso Maesa

Alfonso Maesa is an illustrator and concept artist from the Philippines.

The images you’re seeing here have a strong techwear and/or streetwear vibe, imagining characters from games like Hades and The Witcher 3 as though they’d spent a few thousand bucks on their outfits instead of just throwing on some robes and having at it.


You can see more of Alfonso’s stuff at his ArtStation page.

Image for article titled Hades x Techwear
Illustration: Alfonso Maesa
Image for article titled Hades x Techwear
Illustration: Alfonso Maesa
Image for article titled Hades x Techwear
Illustration: Alfonso Maesa
Image for article titled Hades x Techwear
Illustration: Alfonso Maesa
Image for article titled Hades x Techwear
Illustration: Alfonso Maesa
Image for article titled Hades x Techwear
Illustration: Alfonso Maesa