Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade, the re-imagining of a Square Enix JRPG that’s better than it has any right to be, will head to PC at long last on December 16 so non-console players can experience one of 2020's best games.
Revealed during The Game Awards 2021 livestream, the port will be of the PS5 “Intergrade” version which contains visual upgrades and an additional story campaign focusing on the Materia-stealing ninja Yuffie.
Final Fantasy VII Remake first launched as a PS4-exclusive before getting a paid next-gen upgrade for PS5 earlier this year. Intergrade isn’t just some game of the year edition, however. The new DLC is just as essential as the base game, especially for Final Fantasy VII fans who have become immersed in Square Enix’s strange reboot of the original storyline.
Tonight’s announcement only mentioned that it was coming to the Epic Games Store, so it’s possible Steam users might still be out of luck, at least for however long that exclusivity window lasts. While Intergrade looks superb on PS5, with a 60FPS performance mode as well as a 4K option, it should look even better on PC.
Although Square Enix has said progress on Final Fantasy Remake Part II is going smoothly, we still don’t have any sense of a release date. In the meantime the publisher is also working on Final Fantasy XVI, and on Ever Crisis, a mobile game that will expand on the Final Fantasy VII world and bring all of its disparate parts under one roof. In conjunction with that effort, Square Enix also recently released First Soldier, a free-to-play battle royale on smartphones that takes place before Final Fantasy VII and is actually quite good.
Now if only we could get the PS2's Dirge of Cerberus on mobile or PC as well.