The game-oriented social network GamerDNA launched an enhanced version of its site today, promising it not only delivers gamers to the kinds titles they'd enjoy, but also other gamers they'd enjoy playing with.
GamerDNA, profiled by Kotaku in january and one of the first sites to meld social media with video gaming, will comb its members' gaming habits and chatter to steer them toward games and gamer communities who enjoy them. It presently has more than 300,000 members.
"Gamers are faced with an overwhelming amount of information and content," Jon Radoff, the CEO of GamerDNA, said in a statement. "GamerDNA's new system takes information from conversations and actual game-play trends to help gamers find the information they really care about."
GamerDNA, which has more than 340,000 members, culls trends from its users online playing histories, on services such as XFire, Steam, Xbox Live or, now, the PlayStation Network, recently added. Based on the games they play, for how long, and what they play them in relation to, the site can refine its picture of what someone's interested in a much, much sophisticated way, says company spokesman Sam Houston.
For a community in which many have formed hard preferences, and may believe they already know the games they want, GamerDNA's proposition is a little more subtle. The site's proprietary algorithm will serve up new or different screen shots, reviews, blog posts, conversations, and videos each time a user visits, says company spokesman Sam Houston.
The site will maintain its capabilities for broadcasting one's playing history to friends via Facebook, Twitter and other networks, but "We're not trying to replace Xbox Live, or Steam as a new instant message client, or way to see what friends are playing right now," Houston said. "At the most, we think that's a piece of the pie. So you can see what your friends are playing on Steam, Xfire, Xbox Live, but we're also focusing a lot more on the relevancy aspect: Games and content and providing great ways to share content and have conversations about it."
Naturally, such a tremendous amount of user data, and potential to serve users such a customized palette of new or just-released games, would be valuable to publishers or retailers. But the site's new system is does not come with any new marketing partnerships, Houston said. GamerDNA will continue to serve users advertising in the manner it has in the past.
GamerDNA [site]