The Evil Within was supposed to be Shinji Mikami’s triumphant return to form. The creator of Resident Evil had…
Gal*Gun: Double Peace is a game about firing your “pheromone shot” at love-crazed anime schoolgirls until they…
Half-Life 2 has my favorite moment in any game. It’s this:
Resident Evil 7's first-person take on the franchise is a bold experiment that holds tons of promise. The same could…
Dark hallways, bloody murder, cockroaches, and creeps. Resident Evil 7's new demo Beginning Hour is eager to return…
Though I didn’t get a chance to play that newfangled Legend of Zelda that everyone was raving about, there was…
Last night, a Resident Evil 7 teaser was uploaded as a free demo on PSN. The whole thing lasts maybe 20 minutes,…
One thing that fascinates us about zombies is the absence of humanity—from both the dead and the living. This begets…
Against all odds, Goat Simulator came out in 2014. Against more odds, it continues to exist as a real video game…