Despite having a taste for horror movies and novels, horror video games freak me the hell out. Still, I was curious…
Despite having a taste for horror movies and novels, horror video games freak me the hell out. Still, I was curious…
The second installment of Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare’s Zombies mode arrives today on PlayStation 4, trading the…
Horoscopes, like video games, are a fun, completely made up hobby that’s totally normal in moderation. I’m looking…
Don’t know what’s going on in the new trailer for Death Stranding? No worries: neither does Mads Mikkelsen, and he’s…
Dead Rising 4 offers a fun zombie-bashing playground, but is not a good Dead Rising game.
Another year, another trio of divergent games united under the banner of a single Call of Duty release. It’s this…
With its relatively bright and cheery atmosphere, lowered difficulty and excellent ‘80s soundtrack, Infinite Warfare’…
My love for survival horror games began with the first Resident Evil. As a kid I hated everything related to horror,…
The battle between flora and the undead has taken many forms over the years, from the original flower defense to…
During the Tokyo Game Show, Hideo Kojima was asked about Metal Gear Survive. He wasn’t rude per se, but honest.…