OpinionImpressionsOpinionImpressionsRiver City Girls Is Like River City Ransom But With GirlsFor decades, old-school beat-em up fans have been following the adventures of River City Ransom heroes Kunio and…ByMike FaheyPublishedSeptember 5, 2019
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OpinionImpressionsOpinionImpressionsTeam Rocket Has Invaded Pokémon Go, But They Sure Are Hard To Track DownPokémon Go players booted up the mobile game today to find the world invaded by the franchise’s original baddies,…ByIan WalkerPublishedJuly 25, 2019
Game TipsGame TipsHow To Use Mario Maker 2's Tricky 'Scroll-Stop' FeatureHow’s your Super Mario Maker 2 going? Making some Marios? Trying out some of the cool new features? One of the most…ByChris KohlerPublishedJuly 16, 2019
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5/28/19The Most Essential Sims 4 Clothing ModsI can hardly keep up with clothing trends in real life, so it’s not surprising that four years after release,…ByGita JacksonPublishedMay 28, 2019
OpinionImpressionsOpinionImpressionsDruidstone Is A Worthwhile Tactics-Based Follow-Up To Legend Of Grimrock 2Druidstone: The Secret of the Menhir Forest is pretty to look at, interesting to solve, and absolutely ruthless…ByEthan GachPublishedMay 20, 2019
5/16/19New Weekly Events Add More Variety To Magic: The Gathering ArenaIf you play Magic: The Gathering Arena and you’re anything like me, you probably burn through earning your weekly…ByEthan GachPublishedMay 16, 2019
ReviewsSwitchReviewsSwitchBoxBoy + BoxGirl: The Kotaku ReviewThe fourth installment of Hal Laboratory’s puzzle game series about box-shaped characters who can emit boxes from…ByStephen TotiloPublishedApril 29, 2019