Kotaku EastJapanKotaku EastJapanThe Japanese Internet Reacts To Netflix's KateMovie critics and fans chime in and give their opinions on the filmByBrian AshcraftPublishedSeptember 13, 2021
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ReviewsMultiplatformReviewsMultiplatformDespite Hype, Former Skyrim Mod The Forgotten City Is Kind Of A MessA fascinating game that too often feels like a dry philosophical argumentByRenata PricePublishedSeptember 9, 2021
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ReviewsMultiplatformReviewsMultiplatformRoad 96: The Kotaku ReviewThe game’s handling of harsh political realities is as well-meaning as it is toothlessByAri NotisPublishedSeptember 3, 2021
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OpinionImpressionsOpinionImpressionsSmaller Marvel Game Turned Out Better Than Big Budget AvengersMarvel Future Revolution is a new mobile action RPG starring Spider-Man and other heroesByZack ZwiezenPublishedAugust 27, 2021
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OpinionImpressionsOpinionImpressionsWhat If Mario Kart, But Terrible Asks GTA OnlineRockstar added Kart Krash yesterday and it features armed go-karts, power-ups, and frustrationByZack ZwiezenPublishedAugust 20, 2021