CultureOdds and EndsCultureOdds and Ends12 Things To Check Out After You've Binged Squid GameFrom nail-biting suspense to multiplayer silliness, here are some picks to fill the void left by Squid GameByIsaiah ColbertPublishedOctober 15, 2021
ReviewsMultiplatformReviewsMultiplatformThe Medium: The Kotaku ReviewThis horror game is not very spooky, but sometimes very boringByZack ZwiezenPublishedSeptember 4, 2021
ReviewsMultiplatformReviewsMultiplatformAxiom Verge 2: The Kotaku ReviewTom Happ’s latest Metroidvania is better than it first appearsByEthan GachPublishedAugust 19, 2021
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Game TipsGame TipsEverything You Need To Know To Beat Hades (For The First Time)The best skills and boons go a long way, but patience is your real BFFByAri NotisPublishedAugust 16, 2021
CultureNewsCultureNewsAriana Grande's Fortnite Event Is Epic's Best Concert YetThe in-game concert featured wild visuals and mini-gamesByZack ZwiezenPublishedAugust 7, 2021
CultureFeatureCultureFeatureHer Award-Winning Gaming Collection Could Get Her Paid. But That's Not The Point.The Guinness winner says games are meant to be playedByAsh ParrishPublishedJuly 30, 2021
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OpinionImpressionsOpinionImpressionsAdventure Game Last Stop Doesn’t Pull Punches When Criticizing CrunchPublished by Annapurna Interactive, the game excoriates gaming’s most insidious practiceByAri NotisPublishedJuly 21, 2021
CultureCultureFallout 76 Player Becomes A Jacuzzi Serial Killer In-GameThe Bethesda game continues to be home to the most unusual fansByPatricia HernandezPublishedJune 15, 2021