In 1993, before the magical girl anime Sailor Moon was released in the U.S., there was an alternate vision for it.…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Wall Ball
Welcome to the Future, Welcome to WallBall.
In 1993, before the magical girl anime Sailor Moon was released in the U.S., there was an alternate vision for it.…
Eight years ago, Games Done Quick started as a handful of sleep-deprived speedrunners unexpectedly crammed into…
When they said to me, “Nathan, trying to cram 17,000 people into a single Waffle House just outside the Dallas-Fort…
Genderwrecked, a 2017 visual novel about trying to find the meaning of gender— which the game styles as GENDER, like…
There’s a new Star Wars out, have you seen it yet? It’s more likely than ever that the answer is “no.” Solo: A Star…
Dominique “SonicFox” McLean has won titles in a number of games, but in Dragon Ball FighterZ, he found his challenge…
I did it—I played Kingdom Hearts III, or the finely-polished vertical slice of it that Square Enix is willing to…
Imagine: You’re playing Link to the Past, the seminal Super Nintendo action-adventure game, and you walk into a…
Kotaku's Brian Ashcraft and his son visit BitSummit
Hello all you beautiful urchins of impending doom, and welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the dating advice column with…