In Ni no Kuni II there are well over 100 sidequests you can undertake. They’re mostly a collection of sugary…
UnderMine is an action-adventure, roguelike with a few RPGish elements tossed in. (The good ones) Adventure deep into the UnderMine, discovering powerful relics, deadly enemies, and maybe a few friends to help along the way.
In Ni no Kuni II there are well over 100 sidequests you can undertake. They’re mostly a collection of sugary…
Everybody’s fantasized about owning jerks in games so hard that they drop off the face of the internet. It’s an…
Hearthstone is a game for haters. It’s expensive; its metagame stands still for months; no matter how well you play,…
When I first met Sera it was hate at first sight. She’s a member of the enigmatic Red Jennies, a group of subversive…
Harry Potter has not had the most illustrious history when it comes to video game adaptations. It looks like things…
Ah, romance anime: a saccharine world of blush lines, reluctant crushes and 15th episode first kisses. It’s not the…
Hello all you spectral crotch-bears, and welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating advice column to win the…
The card game Android: Netrunner does not feel like a game. Jacked into its system, Android: Netrunner’s thorny…
The video game publishers’ lobbying group in Washington, the Entertainment Software Association, has denounced…