Kingdom Hearts III has been out on PC for less than two weeks. Anyway, here’s Thomas the Tank Engine.
Kingdom Hearts III has been out on PC for less than two weeks. Anyway, here’s Thomas the Tank Engine.
A remastered port of the cult classic N64/PS1 action-adventure game Shadow Man drops later this week on PC.
On the evening of June 11, 2018, at LA Center Studios, PlayStation’s head of worldwide studios Shawn Layden welcomed…
Early in Kingdom Hearts III, series primary protagonist Sora returns to his spaceship with his Duck Dad Donald and…
For 13 years, I’ve been listing the games I’ve played each year. This used to be a means for me to log how many…
No matter how much one dives into the lore of The Legend Of Zelda Majora’s Mask, establishing absolutes about what…
Summer in Japan is the worst. But you know what’s good? Anime. So let’s stay inside in watch some.
For the 12th straight year I’ve made a list of the video games I’ve played in the past 12 months. I’ve tweaked the…
The latest in the Boss Fight Books series, available tomorrow, is Kingdom Hearts II by veteran games writer Alexa…