You thought laptop glare was murder on your eyes? Try sending a fleet of wheeled robots down into the horrors of…
If there is a new Batman video game coming out in the fall called Batman: Arkham City, could you imagine it not…
There are games you can play in a very loud nightclub, with public relations people hovering, reporters sharing the…
After three weeks of fighting crime, I decided to fight for crime in D.C. Universe Online, starting anew as a…
There's a theory going around that you or I or someone else who owns an iPhone will soon help Apple do what no…
THE FORERUNNER STORY-the history of my people-has been told many times, with greater and greater idealization,…
In the final daily Speak-Up on Kotaku of 2010, commenter RascalkingTK wonders if cheap bastards tarnish other…
Is Super Mario Bros. 2 bad? Was the Sonic series ever good? Who is the Ben Kingsley of video games? What does that…
Author Greg Bear isn't just a one-time Kotaku guest columnist and a prize-winning science fiction author. He's also…