So you’re joining Noctis and crew for the road trip to end all road trips. Now what kind of food should you bring?…
So you’re joining Noctis and crew for the road trip to end all road trips. Now what kind of food should you bring?…
Today on Highlight Reel we have the end of the Overwatch Beta, Dark Souls invasions, orphans, Nathan Drake and much…
Today’s Counter-Strike duel at at the IEM Katowice tournament established itself as one of the best rounds of CS:GO o…
On the face of it, you wouldn’t pick DenDD vs. PixelFire to be a classic Counter-Strike match. They’re minor…
Lately I’ve been playing a lot of Rainbow Six Siege. It’s really good, but I’m not feeling very optimistic about its…
QUOTE | “If you’re a gamer and you have high end graphics cards – I don’t want to stereotype – but you’re probably…
League of Legends isn’t a typical game. If you’re interested in playing, you might start to feel overwhelmed by the…
Four months into its existence, Destiny is a better, more frustrating, more expansive—and ultimately, expensive—game…
Did I do this right? I'm not sure if I did this right.
Blizzard's Overwatch is, in the grand scheme of shooters, kinda simple. Each character has one weapon, levels are…