Exploring the entirety of space is impossible in the real world, but it’s now been done in EVE Online. A player by…
A few hours into Titanfall 2’s unexpectedly fantastic single-player campaign, there’s a mission where everything…
Not every toy in 2017 was a fidget spinner or a tiny piece of collectible plastic in an unmarked box. Beyond the…
This weeks marks the release of the final wave of toys in Lego Dimensions year two, possibly the final wave ever. If…
Today’s Nintendo Indies Summer Showcase, or “Nindies,” didn’t bring many Earth-shattering revelations, but did share…
In the late 90s, video games sat on the precipice of a 3D graphics revolution. Everything was about to change, and…
I do not play Destiny anymore, but when I did, I was an Exo Titan, and he was a very pretty robot man. Though not as…
August was a busy month for video games! From much-anticipated big titles to smaller fan games, here were some of…
All I wanted from Attack on Titan: Wings of Freedom, the video game adaptation of the action horror anime sensation,…