What a title today right? It's been a slow week for deals (besides the Humble Bundles), but things have really…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from The Settlers III
The gods may be crazy! First the Almighty He, the highest of all the gods, sends Jupiter, Horus, and Ch'ih-Yu off into an extremely arduous competition simply on account of some occasional drinking sprees! Then the three gods are subjected to scorn and derision: Q'nqura, the goddess of the Amazons, lets the trio win in battle out of pure spite, and then their humiliation is complete!
What a title today right? It's been a slow week for deals (besides the Humble Bundles), but things have really…
I admit that I’ve had my doubts about Assassin’s Creed III in the three months since I had last played it.
Now that we've slogged through the release of Medal of Honor: Warfighter it's on to the next front—Call of Duty:…
A $20 discount on Skyrim's collectors edition joins modest savings and bonus credits on Tuesday's new releases to…
My very favorite video game show of the year, Germany's wonderful Gamescom, kicks off in less than two weeks. Don't…
It was all that Dan Marino's fault, everyone knows that. If he had held the ball, laces out, like he was supposed…
Pete, the personal rancor reflected in that remark I don't intend to dignify with comment. But I would like to…
Looks like nearly every shovelware PC title for Q4 drops on Tuesday. Sorry to paint with broad strokes but that is a…