With the launch of the PlayStation 5, “next-gen” is no longer a thing of the future. We’re officially in current-gen…
The No Button Game is a fast paced button-free platform game that does not require the use of buttons or sticks to be played. Place your wireless controller on a box then tap with your fingers and it is done! Don't you have a wireless controller or a box handy? No worries, there's the one button mode.
With the launch of the PlayStation 5, “next-gen” is no longer a thing of the future. We’re officially in current-gen…
Now that the PlayStation 5 has been released, the X and the circle buttons are officially swapped for Japan. Since…
The PlayStation 5 promises the future, but that doesn’t mean you need to let go of the past. After all, we’re…
Those making the leap from a PlayStation 4 Pro to a PlayStation5 are in for a rude awakening. The PS4 Pro, of…
I’m happy to report that I’m finally playing Demon’s Souls, my most anticipated next-gen game. While full…
I’m playing The Pathless, and am concerned about my eagle. It can lift heavy weights, such as its human companion…
After two years off, Assassin’s Creed returns today with the Nordic-inspired Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, for PC,…
And just like that, the next generation is here. The Xbox Series X and its smaller, more affordable sibling, the…
The Xbox Series X does not feel like the kind of machine we usually get at the start of a new generation, when…
Destiny 2 servers are set to shutdown tonight for maintenance ahead of tomorrow’s launch of the Beyond Light…