Immortals: Fenyx Rising isn’t the game I was expecting. I was prepared for a big Ubisoft open-world action game…
The No Button Game is a fast paced button-free platform game that does not require the use of buttons or sticks to be played. Place your wireless controller on a box then tap with your fingers and it is done! Don't you have a wireless controller or a box handy? No worries, there's the one button mode.
Immortals: Fenyx Rising isn’t the game I was expecting. I was prepared for a big Ubisoft open-world action game…
In addition to battling randos and dodging traffic in the streets of Japan, I’ve spent a lot of time in Yakuza: Like…
The Nintendo Switch, the PS5, and the Xbox Series X all have something in common: A controller button that lets you…
Remember back in July when Nintendo teased a new third-party game for the Switch and it turned out to be…
Stalled downloads. Crashes while games are suspended. Occasional freezing. The PS5 has some great games, and it’s…
“Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. You know my heart; I loved Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, but after those two the…
The PlayStation 5 is officially out. It’s a tremendous boon for progress, a near-universal step above its…
Download bugs and weird defaults are making it a pain for some people to get the PS5 to install and play the…
Demon’s Souls, which as you might have heard recently received an incredible remake on PlayStation 5 courtesy of…
Marvel’s Spider-Man: Remastered is a definitive polish of a beloved game. The visuals in this game are a marked…