A piece of Interactive Fiction written by Jason Dyer. Came second in the Inform division of the First Annual IF Competition, in 1995.
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I dare say the Nintendo 64 is The Most Interesting Game System Nintendo Ever Made. It's interesting for a laundry…
Two big options for console preorders today. Hit up this list to get a $10 Xbox Gift Card with whatever game you…
"Don't be That VR Guy," I keep thinking. I've spent the last couple of weeks playing Elite: Dangerous, a PC…
Today on Amazon, add ten Marvel Blu-rays to your collection for just $65. This set has been selling for $180 until…
Watch Dogs is finally coming out on the 27th. Don't miss your chance to save by pre-ordering, not to mention the…
PC gamers can pick up the Elder Scrolls Online for $40 today. We've got portable power, ergonomic keyboards,…
You probably didn't have to watch the recent Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare reveal to know whether you'd be picking…
Get $5 off your Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes version of choice today.