I fell in love with Void Bastards before I even played a moment of it. The art style just instantly clicked with me…
The Lost Ship is a point and click adventure game from Lone Wolf Games.
I fell in love with Void Bastards before I even played a moment of it. The art style just instantly clicked with me…
Outer Wilds asks you to accept that if you went to space, you’d probably die there. Maybe more than once.
It’s easy to get caught up in rosy nostalgia when talking about long-lost series from years past, but there’s…
Ubisoft has a new “VR escape room” set in the world of Assassin’s Creed that you can play at over 100 different…
Sea of Thieves’ Anniversary Update is live. The pirate game’s ambitious expansion brings activities from competitive…
Back in 2017, some of the most dedicated Dota 2 players spent hundreds of dollars on microtransactions to win a…
Although No Man’s Sky has true multiplayer now, there are still only a few ways to interact with other players. In…
“Stories don’t have tidy beginnings,” says the main character of Heaven’s Vault, outer space archaeologist Aliya…
Sea of Thieves’ first year had as many ups and downs as a boat in a storm. A rough launch gave way to numerous…
I did not punch Sean Murray in the face when I played No Man’s Sky in PlayStation 4 virtual reality last week at a…