At an E3 where Nintendo and its partners largely played it safe with big Smash Bros. and Pokémon sequels, the…
At an E3 where Nintendo and its partners largely played it safe with big Smash Bros. and Pokémon sequels, the…
The core innovation of Super Mario Odyssey is Mario’s companion, Cappy. Cappy is a hat that can magically possess…
Before I knew anything else about it, I knew My Friend Pedro looked cool. I first came across the solo-developed…
After taking Mario Tennis Aces out for a spin during last weekend’s limited beta, I’ve reached the definitive…
The problem is bigger than just GameStop, but let’s start with GameStop.
The first and sometimes the only thing people say about Dark Souls is that it’s hard. Really hard, migraine hard,…
It’s spring. Can you believe it? We could go outside and look at blooming flowers. Or...we could stay inside and…
On paper, Omensight sounds like a long list of elements that don’t seem to fit together. But it works.