Early in the PlayStation 3's life on store shelves, Sony decided the best way to market the $499-and-up machine was…
In the darkness they sing in the darkness they sway. The toys that had been swept away want to play, And you are now the toy...
Early in the PlayStation 3's life on store shelves, Sony decided the best way to market the $499-and-up machine was…
Cheat on her husband? No. Spend all his money? No. For one man, this just might be worse. Much worse.
After giving Kotaku Off Topic a few days off, let's get back into the week with some conversation that doesn't have…
After two underwhelming DLC extensions, Borderlands returns to the formula that made it a breakout hit last year -…
You may remember reader Mark, who sent us his awesome, custom Half-Life 2 figure. Well, Mark's back, with this…
Platinum Games' hair action game Bayonetta features in-game dolls. Some Flickr user named n-moto has let us know…
The Tonner company makes finely-crafted dolls, including an already-released $125 Lara Croft doll. Next in their…
We can't all be rock stars. Or can we? Why can't we all be rock stars? Who says we can't all be rock stars?
Gamers need Valentine's Day gifts. If you plan to buy a February 14th present for a gamer - or are a gamer and need…
My kids are game addicts... and I'm ok with that. Perhaps I never should have been a parent because I'm the kind of parent most parents HATE. When my kids were 2 months old I started putting a little cereal in their bottle at night so they would sleep through the night (and they did). At 3 months old I fed them baby… Read more